
Appalachia- days 3 and 4

Day 3
I left Stover Creek fairly early thinking I would hike just 5 miles but ended up hiking about ten. I stopped at Justice Creek- this place is magically beautiful with a wide flowing creek and a jungle vibe. It is my first night setting up my tent and I manage to not make a fool of myself. So far I am loving this walk- tiring but exhilarating!

Day 4 took me from Justice Creek to Lance Creek- about 10.7 miles. I usually walk until I find other people at a campsite since I am nervous to camp alone. Lance creek is a trickle of a stream but enough to cool my feet and fill my water bottles . Reunite with Nick from Stover Creek and joined by Amber with her dog Suga, Victor, Mike and Tripp who I will cross paths with for the next 5 days. I had expected a lot of alone time on this trip and the sense of community and connection is a bonus.

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